Anish Kunnath is not a stranger director to the plights of society. Right from his first successful short film Atharyam, which garnered great reviews and drew up awards, he has always had a keen eye for the ailments of the people.
In his latest offering “American dream”, a co-production from the Singapore Kairali Film Forum and Merlion Pictures, he tackles an age-old universal melancholy – neglect of the parent by the modern offspring. He presents it in the wake of the COVID19 pandemic through a remotely filmed short movie.

The handsome Jayaram Nair, once again sizzles as the ageing father who yearns to see his son thousands of miles away. He makes you fall in love with him from the very first instant he is on screen. His ability to convey age despite his youthful looks, is a prized feather added to his acting prowess. J.K. Guruvayoor plays Jayaram’s on screen son, who is neglectful of his old parents and is chasing the American dream. The performance albeit obtusely oriented, J.K. pursues the role with vigorous enthusiasm.

Aparna Pradeep plays the part of the selfish wife, who is biting off her husband’s ear, refusing to kindle affections in fear of losing out on her luxurious lifestyle. She delivers a convincing performance, as the character is a polar opposite to her warm off-screen persona.

The film was shot remotely during the time of the COVID19 lock down across countries like Singapore and the U.A.E. The remarkable aspect is that the husband and the wife portrayed in the film are actually in 2 different countries, apparently conveying that they are in a single room in a third country.
American dream can be streamed on YouTube now.