While most kids his age are developing text necks, 16 year-old Rohan, a year 1 student of IB at United World College Singapore is wondering if the grilled asparagus will compliment the broccoli sauce. Rohan first discovered cooking when he was all of 12. He started off as weekend chef, cooking lunch for his parents at home or the occasional dinner treat for his friends. While he is quite particular about the taste and quality of the food, he believes we eat with our eyes too. The 16 year-old’s forte is the art of plating. He takes a lot of effort to meticulously plate each dish he creates to make it appealing for the eyes first.

In August this year Rohan decided to use his passion to make a difference. He launched his own web site which offers a unique fine dining experience that benefits a cause. His profits will go towards cooking healthy and nutritious meals for immigrant workers.

Food enthusiasts can now book his services via http://rohanschefology.com and invite him to their home to prepare and cook a 3-course meal to celebrate an occasion or just a cosy family evening during weekends. Pay for the ingredients and the young chef’s services and enjoy a superbly cooked, artistically plated meal in the comfort of your own home. Who knows, you might learn a thing or two too.

Rohan has pledged his earnings towards cooking a healthy and nutritious meal for 35 construction workers at the MRT site near Singapore Swimming Club on Saturday 16 November 2019 at 11.30 am.

This is what we call a wonderful meal; all parties benefit! You get a great dining experience, the migrant workers get a nutritious meal, and Chef Rohan gets the satisfaction of making both of you happy

by Joji Jacob