Scholarship 1: Griffith University Bachelor of Medical Science Scholarship 2019-20
Description: Griffith University offers this scholarship to the applicants who wish to pursue the Bachelor of Medical Science programme from the University. The selected students will get the financial award to cover the tuition cost.
Eligibility: International students who have received a conditional or unconditional offer of admission in the Bachelor of Medical Science programme at the Griffin University can apply for this scholarship.
Prizes & Rewards: The selected students will receive a scholarship worth USD 10,000 in total to be used for tuition fees.
Last Date to Apply: 29-11-2019
Application mode: Apply online
Short Url: http://www.b4s.in/pe/GUB1
Scholarship 2: RGS-IBG Postgraduate Research Award 2019
Description: Scholars pursuing PhD courses and ready to undertake fieldwork/ data collection in the United Kingdom or overseas can apply for this Postgraduate Research Award. The recipients will be awarded variable financial benefits.
Eligibility: Scholars pursuing a PhD in geographical fieldwork or data collection in the UK or overseas and currently registered with any UK Higher Education Institution can apply for this research award.
Prizes & Rewards: Recipients will be given financial grants between GBP 500 and GBP 2,000 to undertake fieldwork/data collection.
Last Date to Apply: 23-11-2019
Application mode: Apply online
Short Url: http://www.b4s.in/pe/PRA1
Scholarship 3: Justus & Louise van Effen Excellence Scholarships 2019
Description: Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), Netherlands offers this scholarship to excellent international applicants admitted to one of TU Delft’s MSc programmes. Two selected scholars will win financial benefits covering tuition fee and living cost.
Eligibility: The international applicants who have accepted in a M.Sc program at Deft University of Technology and have obtained a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 80% or higher at graduation level, can apply for this scholarship.
Prizes & Rewards: The selected fellow will receive EUR 30,000 per year to cover their tuition fee, living and other expenses.
Last Date to Apply: 01-12-2019
Application mode: Apply online
Short Url: http://www.b4s.in/pe/EES1
Scholarship 4: Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellowship Programme 2020
Description: Irish Research Council has announced this scholarship programme for the eligible candidates for postdoctoral study at higher education institutions in Ireland. The selected scholars will get significant financial and other benefits
Eligibility: International candidates who have a doctoral degree and have submitted the hardbound corrected thesis, within the recent five years between 31 May 2015 and 31 May 2020, can apply for this scholarship.
Prizes & Rewards: Selected scholars will get an annual salary of EUR 31,275, PRSI contribution of EUR 3,425/p.a, pension contribution of EUR 6,255/p.a and research expenses of EUR 5,000/p.a.
Last Date to Apply: 27-11-2019
Application mode: Apply online
Short Url: http://www.b4s.in/pe/GOI7