TOKYO, Oct. 17, 2019: Azbil Corporation (Tokyo Stock Exchange Code: 6845) today announced that it will participate as an exhibitor for the second consecutive year in Industrial Transformation ASIA PACIFIC (ITAP) to be held in Singapore from October 22 to 24. Under the theme of “Driving Smart
Manufacturing forward through ‘Human-centered automation’ -Azbil x Smart IoT -“, the Azbil booth will showcase the latest smart manufacturing, energy management, and related technologies from Japan.
ITAP is the Asia-Pacific’s counterpart to HANOVER MESSE, the world’s leading industrial tradeshow, and is the region’s premiere B2B trade event for promoting Industry 4.0, especially in areas such as industrial automation and digital factories. Last year’s exhibition brought together 266 exhibitors from 23 countries and drew 15,000 attendees from 55 countries.
Azbil places importance on ITAP because it allows the Company to show its commitment to expanding business and increasing its presence in Southeast Asia, a region that is experiencing rapid growth in technology and other fields. That growth has led to a surge in demand for IoT and energy management solutions, especially in Singapore, which has undertaken numerous smart city initiatives in recent years. To show how its products and solutions can meet such demand, Azbil will showcase the latest technologies from Japan covering the following areas.
Process and factory automation, featuring examples of the latest technology such as smart industrial safety using IoT
Integrated energy, showing demand response, a vital technology for the construction of smart cities in Japan, as well as other cutting-edge technologies
Smart robots, displaying near-human sensing and precise force control.
In addition, the booth will allow visitors to learn about the azbil Group’s various initiatives regarding the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Exhibiting for a second consecutive year, Azbil will continue and strengthen its IR activities for shareholders and investors in Singapore, a major global financial center, as well as PR activities originating from Southeast Asia.
Event details and booth information:

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