Singapore: Local Art Productions in Singapore had taken a slump in 2020 and 2021 as the nation was rife with Covid restrictions but the local filmmakers were one of the first in the artistic circles to step out and set out with their cameras to bring the many stories written during the lockdown phase to life. After 3 movie years of delays and uncertainties and fits and starts, the Film Red Carpet Season has finally started in Singapore with the aptly titled Life in Shots. The Red Carpet Grand Premiere of the Anthology of 3 Films, produced by Arclight Productions in collaboration with Colors TV, was held on 28 January 2023 at Carnival Cinemas amidst much fanfare and a 600 plus strong audience.
A major part of what makes the premiere of Life in Shots perceptible is that, while there are red carpet premieres and standing ovations, this local art circle gathering placed sober thought and reflection above mere spectacle. To the directors of the films- Anindita Ghosh, Neeraja Rao, Leonidas Stanescu and Rajeshkumar Gopalakrishnan, the debates and conversations which take place following the movie screening and the learnings from the feedback received are, ultimately, the main rationale of holding the Red-Carpet Grand Premiere.
We present to you a collage of the highlights of the premiere event where the three stories of Life in Shots unfolded on the big screen at Carnival Cinemas.
From the witty, dry comedy offering PAPA MIO and the soulful heart touching notes of LIFAAFE to the edge of the seat, nail biting murder mystery UNMASKED, the 3 short films presented different flavors served on a single platter, something for everyone to relish. If you are one among the local art connoisseurs who may have missed the screening, fret not as tickets for the next screening will be available at https://carnivalcinemas.sg/ .