A heart wrenching story of Kajal Shreiyaa’s life turns into a full flower blossom. The struggles of a young woman’s pain and anguish after loosing a loved one. The book captures the poignant tale of loosing the love of her life and how she turns it around
Kajal is black kohl put as eye liner in the eyes of women and Shreiyaa means auspicious lucky and magnificient.. Kajal Shreiyaa leaves Kajal the darkside of her life behind and it turns out magnificient auspicious and lucky. Shreiyaa writes from the inner most core of her soul .Turning to God, praying ardently with faith, deep inner cleansing, meditation and spiritual pursuits she blossoms. Shreiyaa becomes the well celebrated writer author and novelist very well received on the International arena. She now has a world platform to perform.She basks in the love of her family, friends and God as the MORNING GLORY BLOSSOMS
The bright royal purple of this Morning Glory against the gleaming resplendent sunshine is divinity’s gift of a new lease of life for Shreiyaa . Writing becomes a gift to her. The story is gripping from start to finish. Absolutely motivating, uplifting and inspiring this is the road less traveled from doom and gloom to glorious full bloom!
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