Oktoberfest is the world's largest funfair held annually in Munich, Bavaria, Germany. It is a 16-day festival running from late September to the first weekend in October with more than 6 million people from around the world attending the event every year. The Oktoberfest is an important part of Bavarian culture, having been held since 1810. Other cities across the world also hold Oktoberfest celebrations, modeled after the original Munich event.

Munich Oktoberfest originally took place during the sixteen days up to, and including, the first Sunday in October. In 1994, the schedule was modified in response to German reunification so that if the first Sunday in October falls on the 1st or 2nd, then the festival would go on until October 3 (German Unity Day).Last year 6.7 million litres of beer and 114 oxen were consumed during the fest. All Munich's famous breweries have huge tents on the field, serving their special Oktoberfest brew and visitors are encouraged to drink up through regular renditions of drinking songs.The festival is also a dream for meat-eaters.

Oktoberfest is a great chance to wear fine hats, ribbons, waistcoats and jackets in which you would normally feel a bit silly.Dressing up at Oktoberfest is half the fun. Men wear Lederhosen, while women wear Dirndls. It's like being at one giant costume party, with outfits ranging from basic to very fancy ones.
It's pricey: Everything is more expensive in Munich for the 16 days of Oktoberbest.The annual price rise for a litre of beer (known as a Mass) continues. Last year a Mass of beer edged towards the 10Euro mark for the first time. Ten years ago a Mass was around 7Euro.