Actor Alan Ritchson, known for his role in “Reacher,” has revealed a harrowing suicide attempt after enduring several sexual assaults. He recounted, “I hung myself,” detailing an incident where he tried to hang himself using a green extension cord in the attic of his Encino, California home. “It all happened so fast, and I was dangling there,” he said.
Fortunately, Ritchson managed to pull himself up at the last moment, preventing the worst. He credited a vision of his sons, Calem, 11, Edan, 10, and Amory, 8, in their mid-30s, for his life-saving decision. Alan shares these children with his wife, Catherine Ritchson, to whom he has been married for almost 20 years.
Following this traumatic event, the 41-year-old actor sought professional help and was diagnosed with bipolar disorder at the age of 36. At 40, he discovered he was also battling ADHD. Ritchson disclosed that he had endured years of sexual abuse during his time in the modeling industry, and this trauma continued to haunt him in his acting career. He admitted that it “broke” him.
Now, Ritchson maintains regular contact with his psychiatrist as he navigates his mental health challenges. Speaking openly about his past struggles, he says, nourishes his soul.